(and make it more aesthetically pleasing at the same time)
Most buyers start shopping for their home online, so photos and virtual tours are vital elements of any marketing plan. Because the camera sees in two dimensions rather than three, special considerations should be kept in mind as you prepare to photograph your home. Even if you’re not selling your home, however, these same considerations can make your surroundings more peaceful and aesthetically pleasing.
You’ve heard it before: declutter as much as possible. Start with the big stuff, and try to remove one or two pieces of furniture from each room to make the space appear larger.
Then rearrange furniture in the room to create a focal point on the wall farthest from the door. From there, arrange other pieces of furniture in the shape of a triangle.
When the larger pieces are arranged, you can pack up smaller items, leaving three pieces of varying heights on each surface. For example, an end table might have a lamp (tall), a candle (medium) and a magazine (low). Include a healthy plant in every room, and add color with a bright pillow on a chair or towels on a rack.
Take some pictures yourself to get an idea of what your home will look like on camera and decide if you need to make any changes such as removing photos from walls or changing window treatments to let in more light.
Once you’ve photographed your home, leave it the way it is so that potential buyers will see the home they are expecting when they come for a showing.